Medpellets is a project developed by Good Karma Projects with the collaboration of the Biodiversity Foundation (Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge), through the Pleamar Program, co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF).
After three years of hard work by our team of qualified volunteers (biologists, oceanographers, engineers…) we are very happy to have the necessary resources to launch this ambitious study and create a knowledge base about this serious problem.
On 31 December 2021, the resolution of the 2021 call of the Pleamar Programme was made public and our project entitled: State and dynamics of pellet pollution in the Western Mediterranean (MEDPELLETS), appeared as one of those selected to receive such a grant.
The total amount of the approved grant is 120,070.17€. This money will be used for scientific research and for the environmental awareness and education actions set out in the proposal presented.

The project will provide relevant information to understand the status, dynamics and impact of plastic pellet pollution in the Western Mediterranean.
MEDPELLETS is supported by city council of Vila-seca, Centre of Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX), Surfrider Foundation Europe and the Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP/RAC). It will be developed in collaboration with the University of Barcelona and the Association Per la Mar Viva.