A total of 414 people joined the #cleanupwithgoodkarma initiative last weekend of March 20 and 21, in order to take action to raise awareness in society and act for the well-being of our closest natural environment.
This weekend we have experienced a great example that small individual acts provoke great collective action, since the initiative has been based on a call to action from individuals, groups, organizations, entities, companies … everyone went out to clean its closest natural environment, be it a beach, a stream, a mountain or a forest.
2.4 km2 traveled and a total volume of 6,292 liters of waste equivalent to 6 containers, together with a lot of motivation and desire to change the world. The perfect mix for a network of clean ups that have broken all records!
These 2.4 km2 total are distributed throughout the Spanish territory, since clean ups have been organized in many locations: Platja del Bogatell, Barcelona; Cambrils; A Coruña; Barcelona; Hospitalet de l’infant; Igualada; La Pineda; Madrid; Majorca; Mont-Roig del Camp; Cubelles; Cunit; Reus; Riudecanyes; Roses; Siurana; Salou; Serra de Marina; Pont de Goi, Valls; Tarragona and Llançà, Girona.
Of the total liters of waste collected, 39.4% are plastic packaging & cans, 20.6% rest, 9.3% paper and cardboard, 8.7% microplastics, 8.3% cigarette butts, 6.4% glass, 6% polystyrene and 1.1% fishing nets.

The impact of the clean ups does not end here, since thanks to the data collection forms, together we are generating a database on garbage in the natural environment that serves to give visibility to the problem and is available to the community scientific.
Finally, we want to thank all of you who have participated in any of the 44 clean ups, both the participants and the organizers. Thank you all for being a part of the Good Karma community! See below a compilation video of the different clean ups. An image is worth more than a thousand words.