On August 13, 2020, we held an ecosnorkeling clean up.
The idea of snorkeling while collecting waste on the coast of Salou, comes from a group of local people with the need to contribute to the cleaning and the conservation of the seabed, in response of the obvious waste and contamination existing in the sea. @ecosnorkelingsalou

We successfully carried out the collection of a total of 49.5 kg in one hour.
There was a total of three teams, two teams went in the water on both sides of the beach, and one third team did the cleanup on land. At all times everyone respected the security measures of the COVID 19 keeping the social distance and wearing the mask.

After collection, we weighted and separated the waste with the help of the participants. At the end of the activity we had some time to share the experience and talk at the xiringuito La Barcarola, which provided a small space for the activity.
Given the success of the meeting, future activities will be organized to improve and preserve the sea and the beaches of our town that matter so much to us.
¡Thanks to all the volunteers!