Have you ever thought about the value of waves?
Waves have natural and cultural values, as a component of the Hydrodiversity, and as a singular natural element. Surf & Nature Alliance have this clear and thats why they created the Manifesto, a universal declaration on the value and necessity of conservation of surf breaks as natural heritage, and sportive, socioeconomic, and cultural resource.
The Manifesto was created with the purpose of communicate that surf breaks are an asset, heritage, and a resource to protect.
We are amazed on the work they’ve done putting together this message that will make you want to protect the waves you enjoy and love.
Here a quick look to the first chapter. (Spanish version under / Versión en español más abajo)
- Nature: a heritage to conserve
The voices raised in favour of the conservation of Nature have been gaining force since, at the end of the 19th century, society began to be aware that the model of development being followed was causing huge alterations, on occasions irreversible, in each of the elements that comprise the natural system of the planet; actions which ultimately degrade the environment in which we live, and Nature itself, of which we are an integral part. This so-called development has brought with it the increased social, economic and territorial complexity of societies, and along with this, greater capacity to intervene in and alter the natural environment. However, and in contrast to the process of degradation of the natural environment, there has been an increasing awareness of Nature as part of our heritage, and something which needs to be protected. We are thus facing a cultural assessment of nature, a change of view in the perception of what it is to be a human being. Nature is no longer considered to simply be an exploitable resource, it has in addition become an element of heritage to be valued from multiple viewpoints: ethical, aesthetic, scientific, educational and, ultimately, cultural.

- La Naturaleza, un patrimonio a conservar
Las voces a favor de la conservación de la Naturaleza no han dejado de cobrar protagonismo desde que, a finales del siglo XIX, la sociedad va adquiriendo progresivamente conciencia de que el modelo de desarrollo seguido provoca grandes alteraciones, en ocasiones irreversibles, sobre cada uno de los elementos que constituyen el sistema natural del planeta; lo que degrada en definitiva, el medio en el que vivimos y la Naturaleza de la que somos parte integrante.
El llamado desarrollo ha traído consigo una mayor complejidad social, económica y territorial de las sociedades, y con ello, una superior capacidad de intervención y alteración sobre el medio natural. Sin embargo, y en contraposición al proceso de degradación del medio natural, se ha ido tomando conciencia de la Naturaleza como un patrimonio que es necesario preservar.
Estamos por tanto ante una valoración cultural de la Naturaleza, un cambio en la mirada, en la percepción que de ésta tiene el ser humano. La Naturaleza ya no es considerada sólo como un recurso explotable, se convierte además en un patrimonio valorado desde múltiples puntos de vista: éticos, estéticos, científicos, educativos y en definitiva culturales.
Choose your language and read the full version: https://surfnaturealliance.org/en/que-hacemos/manifiesto-para-la-proteccion-de-las-olas/
Elige tu lenguaje y lee la versión completa: https://surfnaturealliance.org/en/que-hacemos/manifiesto-para-la-proteccion-de-las-olas/