Beach Clean Up / Neteja de Platja Torredembarra

About a hundred people came together to participate in our latest beach cleanup in Torredembarra, Catalonia.

Kg of trash

100 people came together to participate in our latest beach cleanup in Torredembarra, Catalonia. Families and friends joined the event to clean up the beach. The team also enjoyed various activities and workshops that were live throughout the morning.

The event was promoted by the local government (Diputació de Tarragona i Ajuntament de Torredembarra) and Good Karma Projects were also very pleased to support and make it happen!

The main goal was to clean up the protected area of ‘Els Muntanyans’. One of the few natural spaces remaining in the Costa Daurada coast. 
A huge total of 87,5 kg of trash was collected in just an hour and a half. To mix things up a little, we sent a small group of people to clean up the beach right in front of the city. As a result, 14 people picked up 56 kg within the same time frame. In total 143,5 kg of trash was removed from nature’s beaches. 

Only 27% of the trash collected can be potentially recycled.

neteja de platja torredembarra

The numbers are alarming. However, what is more alarming is that 73% of the trash collected went to the ‘Non-Recyclable’ or ‘General Waste’ containers. 
Meaning that only 27% will be potentially recycled and in a utopic case will not end up in nature again.

The only solution: To reduce.